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Antoine Spillmann

Antoine Spillmann - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Antoine Spillmann was appointed Chair of GAM Holding AG Board of Directors on 27 September 2023, he is a member of the Governance & Nomination Committee.
Antoine is an accomplished executive with a successful track record in the asset management and wealth management industry. He is Executive Partner of Bruellan SA, which he transformed into one of the largest asset management and multi-family offices in French-speaking Switzerland.

Prior to Bruellan, he was a Managing Director at BryanGarnier & Cie Ltd, a company he cofounded in 1996. Before that, he held various positions at leading investment banks in London from 1985 until 1996.

Antoine is a proactive board member and was a member of several corporate boards, including that of ArcelorMittal from 2006-16, chairing the risk committee and as a member of the audit committee. He remains on the board of ArcelorMittal Holdings AG. He was Vice President of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (SAAM) for five years and is cofounder of Swiss Respect, an association created to protect the Swiss financial and legal system.

Antoine holds degrees in investment management and corporate finance from the London Business School. He attended the Wharton business program on best practices for board directors. He is a Swiss citizen and served as a first lieutenant with the tank grenadiers in the Swiss army.
Antoine Spillmann