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Scenario Economico Luglio 2024
Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Scenario Economico Giugno 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024


Scenario Economico Maggio 2024
Maggio 2024


The key role of commodities - Danny Dhingra
24 April 2024


Five structural trends for Europe – Niall Gallagher
17 April 2024

05:54 min watch

Introduction to Late Stage Private Shares
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Christian Munafo, CIO of LSA, provides an overview of the opportunities in private markets.


Scenario Economico Novembre 2023
Friday, November 10, 2023


Scenario Economico Ottobre 2023
Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Scenario Economico Settembre 2023
8 settembre 2023


Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Scenario Economico Novembre 2022
14 novembre 2022


Scenario Economico Ottobre 2022
14 October 2022

Investment Opinions
Japan's Growth Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic Era
25 September 2024

The stars are aligning for Japanese companies from a global and domestic macroeconomic perspective. Ernst Glanzmann and Lukas Knüppel, Investment Directors, and Katsuya Takeuchi, Investment Analyst, Japan Equities, note that at the same time the market and many investors have not fully recognised the shift in earnings momentum towards quality growth companies that is occurring.

Investment Opinions
Hyper Active: Focusing on innovators and disruptors across the global stock universe
20 September 2024

Our Hyper Active series explores how GAM Investments’ portfolio managers – across both equities and fixed income - aim to harness the potential of active management to deliver better results for clients.

Multi-Asset Blog
US Federal Reserve cuts interest rates by 50 bps
19 September 2024

Fed cuts rates for first time since March 2020, says “risks to employment and inflation goals roughly in balance.”

Active Thinking
Active Thinking: Shifting expectations, shifting opportunities
19 September 2024

The past months have delivered a sharp U-turn in market rate expectations. Ralph Gasser, Head of Fixed Income Investment Specialists, shares his views on recent developments and explores these shifts and their implications on investment opportunities across fixed income markets.