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€uro Fund Awards 2024 – The Best Funds

GAM is delighted to have won the coveted 2024 €uro Fund Awards for its Swiss Equities strategy. The award honours the funds and ETFs that have achieved the best, second-best, and third-best performance in their investment category over 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 years.

GAM Swiss Equities

Why GAM Swiss Equities:
  • Swiss companies are businesses with truly global exposure, with a long history of international success, backed by Switzerland’s political, legal and cultural stability.

  • Swiss stocks have a diversified revenue mix – much more geared to growth in the US and Asia than to Europe, enabling you to buy a global portfolio with exposure to higher growth regions, such as emerging markets, offering the potential of more attractive earnings growth and improving margins.

  • Switzerland’s political and cultural framework is a highly supportive of business growth. The Swiss economy is one of the most stable in the world, while the hard Swiss franc effectively drives operating efficiency across businesses.

  • Swiss companies provide quality growth potential, driven by the country’s focus on innovation, with many leading Swiss firms major beneficiaries of globalisation.

Investment Team

GAM Swiss Equity is led by Thomas Funk, Daniel Häuselmann, and Dr. Karl Herzog. Each team member has over 20 years experience in the Swiss stock market and over 15 years’ tenure with GAM.

The team’s location in Zurich enables them to conduct their own in-depth research onsite and generate their own insights, independent of external research providers. The team is responsible for research, portfolio management, trading and risk management. However, an independent risk oversight function is performed additionally by GAM’s risk teams.

In 2024, pricing power will become even more important
Thomas Funk
Directeur des investissements
Daniel Häuselmann
Responsable des actions Suisses
Karl Herzog
Analyste durabilité

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Disclaimer: Awards may not be representative of any one manager’s experience and are not indicative of the future performance of a GAM product or GAM. The information in this document is given for information purposes only and does not qualify as investment advice. Opinions and assessments contained in this document may change and reflect the point of view of GAM in the current economic environment. No liability shall be accepted for the accuracy and completeness of the information. Past performance is no indicator for the current or future development. All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed.