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Paul McNamara

Paul McNamara - Investment Director

Paul McNamara, directeur des investissements, est le gérant responsable pour les obligations et les devises des marchés émergents, qu'il s'agisse de stratégies long-only ou unconstrained.

Il a rejoint GAM Investments à la suite de l'acquisition de la société spécialiste des titres à revenu fixe et des devises, Augustus, en mai 2009. Paul McNamara a rejoint Augustus (alors Julius Baer Investments Limited) en 1997 après avoir travaillé comme économiste au département de garantie des crédits à l'exportation du service économique du gouvernement britannique. Il a commencé sa carrière en tant que professeur. Paul McNamara est titulaire d'une maîtrise en économie de la London School of Economics et il est titulaire de la charte CFA. Il est basé à Londres.

Paul McNamara

Mon avis

Outlook 2025
Poised to deploy assets as prices become more attractive
December 2024

EMERGING MARKET DEBT: “The biggest opportunity is that in EM local currency debt valuations look extremely attractive.”

Active Thinking
Active Thinking: Can EM debt step out of the Dollar’s shadow in 2024?
24 November 2023

Following a tough 2022, emerging market debt has fared well so far in 2023, outperforming US government bonds and investment grade credit, particularly as some softer US data weighed on the dollar. Paul McNamara, Investment Director and lead manager on emerging market debt strategies, analyses the key factors affecting the asset class and shares his thoughts on what to look out for in 2024.

My Awards

GAM is proud to have once again been awarded three prestigious German Sauren Gold Medals
October 2021

Paul McNamara received his gold medal in the Absolute Return Emerging Markets segment, joined by Tim Love in the Emerging Market Equities category and Niall Gallagher for his European Equities strategy.

Find out more here.

Three GAM managers win gold medals at the Sauren Golden Awards 2020
October 2020

At this year's Sauren Golden Awards in Germany, Investment Directors Paul McNamara, Tim Love and Niall Gallagher were recognised for their performance in emerging market debt, emerging market equities and European equities, respectively.

GAM managers win gold medals at Sauren Golden Awards
September 2019

Niall Gallagher, Paul McNamara and Adrian Owens were each awarded gold medals for their performance in their respective asset classes at this year’s Sauren Golden Awards.

Five GAM managers win Sauren Golden Awards
September 2018

At this year's Sauren Golden Awards in Germany, Investment Directors Paul McNamara, Adrian Owens, Gianmarco Mondani, Niall Gallagher and Ernst Glanzmann were recognised for their performance in their respective asset classes.