* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: mercoledì 21 giugno 2023
Time: 6:00 CET
Date: giovedì 4 maggio 2023
Time: 9:00 CET
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: mercoledì 3 agosto 2022
Time: 9:00 CET
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: giovedì 17 febbraio 2022
Time: 8:30 CET
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: mercoledì 4 agosto 2021
Time: 7:30 CET
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: giovedì 18 febbraio 2021
Time: 8:30 CET
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: martedì 4 agosto 2020
Time: 7:30 CET
Watch here (Password: GAMresultsH120)
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: giovedì 20 febbraio 2020
Time: 8:30 CET
Watch the 2019 full-year results webcast
* The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook below provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: martedì 30 luglio 2019
Time: 7:30 CET
Watch the 2019 half-year results webcast
Following GAM's announcement on 30 January 2020 regarding the Sanctions Commission of SIX Exchange Regulation AG decision, GAM has restated, where required, the comparative amounts relating to prior periods in its 2019 consolidated financial statements. The restatement relates to the recognition of a financial liability for future performance fees payable to to the former partners of Cantab, a business acquired by GAM in 2016. Please refer to note 28.1 of the 2019 annual report and the five-year financial summary on page 192, which reflects the restatement of historical amounts since 2016. *The spreadsheets and historical timeseries in our investor workbook below provide historical financial information for GAM Holding AG. They should be read and used in conjunction with our half-year and annual reports. Please note that some of the figures in the spreadsheets and historical timeseries may differ from those originally published in our half-year and annual reports (due, for example, to adjustments in our disclosure and the restatement of earlier periods).
Date: 21 febbraio 2019
Time: 8:30 CET
Guarda la webcast sui risultati di fine anno per il 2018
* I fogli di calcolo e le serie storiche riportati nel nostro manuale per gli investitori contengono informazioni finanziarie storiche relative a GAM Holding AG e dovrebbero essere letti e utilizzati unitamente alle nostre relazioni semestrali e annuali. Si fa presente che alcuni dati contenuti nei fogli di calcolo e nelle serie storiche potrebbero non coincidere con quelli originariamente pubblicati nelle nostre relazioni semestrali e annuali (ad es. per effetto di rettifiche nella nostra informativa e riclassificazioni di dati relativi a periodi precedenti).
Date: 31 luglio 2018
Time: 8:00 CET
Il webcast dei risultati semestrali 2018
* I fogli di calcolo e le serie storiche riportati nel nostro manuale per gli investitori contengono informazioni finanziarie storiche relative a GAM Holding AG e dovrebbero essere letti e utilizzati unitamente alle nostre relazioni semestrali e annuali. Si fa presente che alcuni dati contenuti nei fogli di calcolo e nelle serie storiche potrebbero non coincidere con quelli originariamente pubblicati nelle nostre relazioni semestrali e annuali (ad es. per effetto di rettifiche nella nostra informativa e riclassificazioni di dati relativi a periodi precedenti).
Date: 3 agosto 2017
Time: 8:00 CET
Il webcast dei risultati semestrali 2017
* I fogli di calcolo e le serie storiche riportati nel nostro manuale per gli investitori contengono informazioni finanziarie storiche relative a GAM Holding AG e dovrebbero essere letti e utilizzati unitamente alle nostre relazioni semestrali e annuali. Si fa presente che alcuni dati contenuti nei fogli di calcolo e nelle serie storiche potrebbero non coincidere con quelli originariamente pubblicati nelle nostre relazioni semestrali e annuali (ad es. per effetto di rettifiche nella nostra informativa e riclassificazioni di dati relativi a periodi precedenti).
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