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GAM Star Continental European Equity Featured Fund Video

Niall Gallagher

Investment Director

06:26 min watch

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Monday, January 1, 0001

Euro SMIDs - Are they unusually cheap versus the rest of the market?
04 July 2024

With many of the market’s biggest names powering the rally in European equities, there has been much talk over recent weeks about whether European small and mid-caps look cheap compared to their large peers. Niall Gallagher analyses the long-term structural factors at play, suggesting that, while SMIDs are attractively valued, they really are no cheaper than their larger counterparts.

Decarbonising Europe - how net zero is energising European equities
06 June 2024

Delivering on net zero commitments by 2050 will be very challenging, affecting every industry and requiring vastly more resources than many policymakers appreciate, or will admit to their electorates. But for investors, the ambitious drive towards decarbonisation is presenting compelling opportunities across a range of European companies.

Five structural trends for Europe
17 April 2024

In this video update Niall Gallagher, Investment Director, Europe Equities, discusses the key structural trends which he believes define a new investment era, reiterates why for him a style-agnostic approach to investing is essential and reveals how investors could play the artificial intelligence (AI) theme in Europe.

Outlook 2024
Outlook 2024: Niall Gallagher (European Equities)
December 2023

European Equities – We remain positive on the prospects for the European banking sector; market pricing of the stocks has failed to appreciate the sustainable nature of the increase in earnings and return on equity from a return to positive interest rates