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Middle East

For over 25 years, GAM Investments has been operating in the Middle East, serving clients throughout the GCC, Israel and Cyprus. Our dedication to our clients in the region is unwavering, and we are actively engaged in the institutional, wholesale and family office spaces.
We regularly host portfolio manager and thought leadership events in the region to ensure our clients receive the best possible investment experience.
We continue our quest to bring our clients innovative, sustainable and intelligent ideas, along with service delivered by people who really care about our clients’ experience."
Philip Rosenberg, Managing Director, Head of Distribution Middle East

Our Thinking

Opinioni d'investimento
La decarbonizzazione dell’Europa: la spinta a net zero fa bene al mercato azionario europeo
06 giugno 2024

Centrare gli obiettivi di azzeramento delle emissioni nette entro il 2050 non sarà cosa facile. È un percorso che riguarda tutti i settori e che richiederà molte più risorse di quanto le autorità si possono immaginare o ammetteranno di fronte agli elettori. Per gli investitori, gli obiettivi ambiziosi della decarbonizzazione offrono opportunità di investimento interessanti in diverse aziende europee.

Opinioni d'investimento
Banche europee – gli investitori danno credito a chi lo merita
25 aprile 2024

I titoli bancari europei hanno registrato rendimenti impressionanti fino ad ora nel 2024 (+16,7%* per il settore). Nonostante i guadagni, le valutazioni rimangono a buon mercato. Niall Gallagher illustra i fattori che sono alla base dei rendimenti e spiega perché mantiene una forte esposizione alle banche europee.

Opinioni d'investimento
Il ruolo fondamentale delle materie prime
24 aprile 2024

In questo nuovo video, Danny Dhingra, Investment Manager di GAM Systematic, illustra le caratteristiche principali delle materie prime e i loro potenziali vantaggi in termini di diversificazione e copertura contro l’inflazione in uno scenario di incertezza dei mercati. Approfondisce inoltre i temi alla base dei prezzi delle commodity e illustra la sua logica di investimento.

Distinctive by design

Our business continues to attract original and independent thinkers, bringing their distinctive, and often unique, styles. Here at GAM, our investment professionals are encouraged to develop their ideas, leveraging our global operations and risk framework to bring rigour to each approach.  Our strategies showcase the personality, passion and expertise of our investment managers and partners. We do not try to compete in all markets but rather we focus on the hard-to-access, niche areas where specialist expertise and strong conviction can have a real impact. This has helped us curate a collection of highly-differentiated, active investment strategies for clients to use alongside their core portfolios. 


07:29 secondi

Credit Opportunities – Gregoire Mivelaz
19 ottobre 2023

Gregoire Mivelaz di Atlanti passa in rassegna i tre principali eventi del 3° trimestre che hanno inciso sul suo universo d’investimento: utili, date di rimborso delle obbligazioni e riapertura dei mercati primari. Secondo Mivelaz, considerato che ci troviamo alla fine di un ciclo di credito, la qualità del credito è importante per gli investitori. Sottolinea inoltre che le anomalie di prezzo sui mercati generano opportunità.


7:43 secondi

Credit Opportunities – Gregoire Mivelaz
28 luglio 2023

Nel secondo trimestre i catalizzatori positivi per il debito subordinato sono stati tre: un’ottima stagione degli utili, il rimborso delle obbligazioni perpetue da parte delle banche e la riapertura del mercato primario. Gregoire Mivelaz riflette sugli eventi principali del secondo trimestre e spiega perché crede che il debito subordinato potrà fare meglio dell’high yield.

Active Thinking

At GAM we have always sought out first-rate investment talent to manage our range of truly distinctive investments. Our Active Thinking insights showcase their ideas and research on the latest investment themes and innovations, macro and geopolitical activity, as well as broader industry trends, with a view to keeping our clients abreast of the latest investment thinking.
As markets change over time, we’re ready for the challenge. Independent and with a global presence, we have long recognised across all areas of our business that results beyond the ordinary can best be achieved by thinking beyond the obvious. Hear the latest views from our investment managers.

I mercati si evolvono nel tempo e noi siamo pronti ad affrontare la sfida. Come società indipendente e con una presenza globale, sappiamo per esperienza che, in tutti i nostri ambiti di attività, per ottenere risultati superiori all’ordinario bisogna pensare oltre l’ovvio. Qui trovate gli ultimi aggiornamenti secondo i nostri gestori degli investimenti.

GAM in the News

From market reopening to recovery: China equities stage comeback

Six portfolio managers highlight the sectors for positioning as the market outlook turns positive for Chinese equities.
(Source Citywire Middle East May 2023)

China, the Year of the Rabbit and Private Client Portfolios – Views from GAM Investments’ Jian Shi Cortesi

Jian Shi Cortesi, Investment Director for GAM Investments is a believer in the opportunities that China’s equity markets offer private clients this year. She gave a presentation to delegates at the Hubbis Independent Wealth Management Forum in Dubai on March 15, highlighting the dramatic shift from closure to reopening in China, uncovering the sectors where he thinks investors can find value, and explaining GAM’s investment approach to unlocking that value.
(Source Hubbis April 2023)

Portfolio managers on which semiconductor stocks to pick now

Semiconductor stocks may have been hit hard last year, but many are poised to be comeback kings in 2023.
(Source Citywire Middle East March 2023)

GAM’s ME distribution head expects risk assets recovery in 2023

GAM Investment’s Middle East distribution head, Philip Rosenberg is optimistic about an investment recovery if macroeconomic headwinds subside by mid-2023.
(Source Citywire Middle East January 2023)

GAM Investments on Finding Opportunities in European Equities

In partnership with GAM Investments, Hubbis held a behind-closed-doors discussion on November 14 in Dubai, focusing on European equities and investor strategies for the year ahead.
Watch the video interview here.
(Source Hubbis December 2022)

Equity Investment Opportunities in the Emerging Markets: Could 2023 onwards be 2003-2008 all over again?

Following over a decade of poor performance relative to the Developed Markets (DM) arena, experts at GAM Investments believe the opportunity set within Emerging Market (EM) equities has not been as strong for many years, and that a confluence of positive factors could presage a similar, and possible even better, EM bull market run as enjoyed by investors between 2003 and 2008.
(Source Hubbis December 2022)

Is the emerging equities investment opportunity returning?

“They are much more modern. They’re much more resilient. They’re much more globalfacing than domestic demand-facing, and they dominate in areas of centers of excellence on a global basis, many of the modern industries of tomorrow, including that of EVs, robotics, and many would say AI as well, in addition to semiconductors.” ~ Tim Love
(Source Hubbis November 2022)

Opportunities for the year ahead

“Every time we experience a systemic crisis, and we tend to see some crisis every two and a half years, so this time is not different, we usually get full price recovery within six to nine months. That’s a so-called ‘pull to powerful bonds’.” ~ Gregoire Mivelaz.
(Source Hubbis July 2022)

The Quest for Safe and Reliable Income in Today’s Uncertain World

On March 2 in Dubai, Hubbis held its first live event since the pandemic struck in early 2020. It was also the first live manager meeting for our exclusive partner for the event, GAM Investments. The objective was to learn from key individuals in the Middle East wealth management community about their needs and the expectations of their increasingly sophisticated HNW and UHNW clients.
(Source Hubbis April 2022)


GAM Investments è una delle principali società indipendenti al mondo dedicata esclusivamente alla gestione patrimoniale. Offre soluzioni e prodotti di investimento attivi per investitori istituzionali, intermediari finanziari e investitori privati.

In GAM adottiamo un approccio olistico agli investimenti responsabili che comprende un profondo impegno nella gestione attiva e nella stewardship.
