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News and Views - February Newsletter

Atlanticomnium’s Romain Miginiac suggests several areas of the subordinated debt market look attractive heading into 2021, both from an income and upside potential perspective.


We believe there is value available to investors in both developed and emerging markets, across a diversified range of fixed income strategies
Rob Bailey, Head of UK Wholesale Distribution


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For over 30 years GAM has specialised in fixed income strategies. Over this time we have seen the asset class evolve significantly, and as times have changed, so has our offering. Our capabilities in this area allow our clients to access the most sophisticated strategies available.

Our in-house and external managers have built up enviable track records across fixed income asset classes. We offer a wide range of fixed income funds with a variety of objectives and risk profiles to suit your investment goals.

Gregoire Mivelaz
Fund Manager, Atlanticomnium SA
Tom Mansley
Investment Director


Reddito elevato

Riteniamo che il rendimento assoluto e il sovrarendimento restino alti, sia in base ai dati storici che al ciclo attuale, e che le pressioni inflazionistiche rimangano invece contenute.

Valutazioni convenienti

Questa asset class è ipervenduta e poco presente nei portafogli degli investitori, per i fondamentali, le valutazioni e i fattori tecnici del mercato, e offre interessanti opportunità di investimento.

Ribilanciamento esterno

La bilancia commerciale e il saldo delle partite correnti dei mercati emergenti sono tornati in territorio positivo. Ciò rappresenta empiricamente un valido sostegno ciclico per i rendimenti di questa asset class.

Rimbalzo della crescita

Il ciclo di crescita nei mercati emergenti (Cina esclusa) ha cambiato direzione e il differenziale di crescita rispetto alle economie sviluppate è destinato ad ampliarsi, con la possibile sovraperformance dei mercati emergenti.

This engaging panel discussion looked at on where to find attractive yield opportunities in 2021. At a time of ultra-low interest rates and government bond yields, finding opportunities in fixed income is more challenging than ever.

Atlanticomnium’s Romain Miginiac suggests several areas of the subordinated debt market look attractive heading into 2021, both from an income and upside potential perspective.


GAM has a wealth of insightful thought provoking events. Keep an eye on the events section below, in order to register for the 2021 events we have in the pipeline, or even to catch up on previous events you may have missed.

GAM Italian Academy
Cina, motore della crescita mondiale nel 2021: uno sguardo indiscreto dietro le quinte del successo economico cinese
Mercoledì 16 dicembre ore 18:00 CET Time

Cina, Capitalismo, Covid: le tre C di un sistema che sta sorprendendo il mondo. Cosa si nasconde dietro la ripresa economica cinese?

GAM Italian Academy
Dopo le elezioni USA, quali prospettive e rischi per l’Europa?
18 novembre

Debora Rosciani e il Professor Codogno discutono l’impatto che le elezioni USA avranno sugli scenari economici globali.


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Disclaimer: Past performance is not an indicator of future performance and current or future trends. The indications could be based on figures denominated in a currency that may be different from the currency of your residence country and therefore the return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Capital at risk: all financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed. Any reference to a security is not a recommendation to buy or sell that security.