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GAM joins UN Global Compact and commits to its Ten Principles

GAM has joined the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.

27 August 2021

By joining the initiative, GAM has committed to aligning the firm’s strategy and operations with the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to taking strategic action to advance broader societal goals.

GAM joins an international group of more than 10,000 business participants and 5,000 non-business participants who are members of the Global Compact.

Peter Sanderson, Chief Executive Officer at GAM, said: “Sustainability is integral to our strategy, both in the way we operate as a firm and in the investment strategies and solutions we provide for our clients. We are pleased to join the UN Global Compact and committed to achieving and upholding best-in-class standards for our sustainability activities across the business.”

You can read more about our progress in our 2020 Sustainability Report here or find further details about our commitments to date in the policies and disclosures section of our website here.

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