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News and Views - December Newsletter

The sector has been challenged by the impact of Covid on dividends, but the vaccine development news could bring sharp relief.
Rob Bailey, Head of UK Wholesale Distribution


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Featured Strategy: UK Equities

GAM UK Equity Income is a core equity income fund aiming to deliver steady income and capital growth. The fund is managed by an experienced team, Adrian Gosden and Chris Morrison, who apply their proven cash flow-based investment approach to invest in companies with strong dividend prospects. The result is an active, concentrated and liquid portfolio diversified across sectors and market caps.


Disciplined approach

Equity income managers typically take a long-term view, as reinvested dividends can make a huge difference to returns over time, due to the power of compounding.

Steady income

Dividends are typically much less volatile than earnings and can deliver steady income for investors. Dividend growth has held up consistently in recent years.

Consistent returns

Equity income funds can be a reliable investment in periods of lower growth and market volatility, as companies are often reluctant to cut dividend payments.

Appeal in a low-rate environment

The current UK dividend yield premium over government bond yields is considerable. Low rates support the case for investing in a UK dividend- orientated strategy.

GAM UK Equity Income is a core equity income fund aiming to deliver steady income and capital growth. The fund is managed by an experienced team, Adrian Gosden and Chris Morrison, who apply their proven cash flow-based investment approach to invest in companies with strong dividend prospects. The result is an active, concentrated and liquid portfolio diversified across sectors and market caps.

Hear Adrian Gosden speak on the recent UK Equities panel hosted by Asset TV.

Adrian examines the reasons behind the underperformance of the UK equity market this year and suggests the return of dividends will unlock value in the sector heading into 2021.


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Thematische Überlegungen: Geopolitik und Umbrüche in der „grünen Wirtschaft“ in Asia-Pacific
22. Juli 2024

Mehr als je zuvor spielen die Produzenten im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum eine Schlüsselrolle bei der globalen Revolution für saubere Energie. Doch angesichts der zunehmenden geopolitischen Spannungen und der immer grösser werdenden Gefahr von Disruptionen untersucht Meera Patel von GAM Investments die Faktoren, die hinter den Risiken und Chancen für Investoren stehen – in einer Region, welche sich die Macht der grünen Wirtschaft zunutze macht, um ihre langfristigen Wirtschaftsaussichten zu stärken.

Q2 Multi-Asset-Perspektiven: Amerikanische Absicherung...oder Abgrund?
16. Juli 2024

Julian Howard, Chief Multi-Asset Investment Strategist bei GAM, erläutert seine neuesten Multi-Asset-Einschätzungen und geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die USA zunehmend immun gegen die wachsenden geopolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Welt sind, obwohl sie zu diesen Herausforderungen beitragen.

Active Thinking
Active Thinking: Unsere KI im Blick behalten
08. Juli 2024

Inmitten der anhaltenden Investorenbegeisterung für Aktien aus dem Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) erörtert Wendy Chen ihre wichtigsten Erkenntnisse von der IT-Messe COMPUTEX Taipei und erläutert, wie die neuesten Entwicklungen im Technologiebereich mit den hohen Bewertungen in diesem Sektor zusammenpassen.


Disclaimer: Past performance is not an indicator of future performance and current or future trends. The indications could be based on figures denominated in a currency that may be different from the currency of your residence country and therefore the return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Capital at risk: all financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of the investment and the income from it will vary and the initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed. Any reference to a security is not a recommendation to buy or sell that security.